Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blogpost 4: Modeling Character from 300.

Today I was tasked to complete 3 different poses of people with the given model from The first pose is from a movie poster of 300.

This is the poster from 300.

This is the model given from

I started by finding out the different controls of the model, and began moving the arms first.

I moved the arms into position by using the wrist, hand and elbow controls.

I started to move the eyebrows, mouth and size of eyes to show anger in the model.

This is the end result of the emotion "Anger" that I want to show.

I moved the body of the model to show a balance and a body posture which will help to make it more realistic.

This is the end result of modeling the movie poster 300.

From this exercise of making the model, I've learnt how the facial features can be so important in creating and showing the mood of the character. Also, by adding in body postures will also give a realistic body posture which will also help to display the current emotion of the character. This model explained to me the importance of knowing what the character is feeling before creating it.

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