Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blogpost 6: Modeling a Tattoo Girl

For this exercise, I am tasked to model a tattooed girl which is in veryunique position. Using the same model, I've managed to complete the post with quite an amount of difficulty. The steps of me completing it are shown below.

This is the photo that I'm tasked to model after.

This is the original model that I'll be working on.

I started off by moving the legs and arms of the model. I had lots of difficulty at this stage because the posture of the girl is very unique and requires me to take note of every detail eg. the positions and where are the arms and legs facing when she squats down. Also, I have to make sure that there is a sense of balance in the model.

Then, I started moving the head to face in the same direction as the girl in the photo. For the left arm (viewing from this photo), it took me quite awhile to place it in the center of the entire model. This is because, the model is leaning forward hence requires something to hold the entire body weight.

I bent the model's fingers to show that it has some tension in holding the weight of the entire body. And the fingers of the other hand, I bent them to show a feminine feeling, similar to the girl in the photo. I've also bent the back of the model, like what I've learnt from the previous exercises, to show its organic and realistic.

This is the end product of this exercise. Similar to all the previous exercises, I've spent the most time on the facial features because I feel that without making the facial features with the face muscles contracting at the right places, the model doesn't that real to me at all. Which will make me really unsatisfied with my work.

From this exercise, I've learnt how to do some independent learning. Such as searching online for cartoons' emotions and how their facial features can portray their current feelings and emotions. This is because the girl in the photo has this fierce and sharp look which makes it really difficult for me to do it without any references. I believe that animation requires one big part of us which is, "Exploration", in order to make one of the most recognizable animations.

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