Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BlogPost 9: Rigging a Model

In this lesson, I am given the instructions on how to rig a model completely with small little details included in it. With the aid of the video demonstrations given to us by the lecturers, I am able to check and complete the rigging completely. The video allowed me to redo over and over again if I have any problems encountered. I feel that this enhanced our learning and really did helped me a lot as the videos are like a virtual lecturer that can teach me even when I'm at home. However, there are still some problems occurred, (minor problems), that I was unable to solve them until when Mr. James came to help. He has great understanding of the program (Maya) and the subject. Below will be the images of my work progress for this lesson.
 Here is the original look of the model, with no rigging, just a basic model.

 The joints are added in at this point, with the complex hypergraph beside which is good for tracking of the right joints.

The constraints are being added into the Hand Control and thus, enabling the bending of fingers.

 Choosing multiple objects with the hypergraph than clicking on the model itself is better as clicking the model would sometimes cause problems such as selecting the skin or the joints instead of the controls.

 Here is an end result of all the rigging that has been added into this model, there are more complex ones but are not taught inside the video, but they did said there are possible ways to create them such as facial features.

I have to admit, this is one of the most tedious part about Animation. However, without these being done to a model, movement of the joints and skin will not be possible. There is no other way, other than learning from the basics before I can even create better animations in the future. I still do enjoy as I know I'm taking a step at a time towards being better each time a task is given to me.

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