Thursday, October 27, 2011

BlogPost 2: Modelling a Cow.

Tasked to model a cow head. Through this exercise, I have learned more about extruding even from just a simple cube to form out a cow's head. At the start it was quite difficult but after a few steps, I roughly get the idea of how the animation will be made and created through different tools provided in Maya. Mr. James has also explained that by looking 3 steps ahead will allow us to complete our work faster. Not just enhancing our work speed, I have actually made myself understand, memorize and foresee how the animation should be made and modeled. The results of my modelling wasn't really that good but at least it did reminded me of everything that I've learned in Introduction to 3D Animation. In conclusion, though it was a simple exercise, it is still a very fruitful one and I enjoyed it.

This is the shape of the cow's head made from a cube.

Eyes and ears are added into the model.

Finishing touches to the model with the Smooth and Geometry tool.

The second part of modelling a cow, I'm tasked to create the body, legs and hands (gloves) for the cow. Going through this task, I've learned to perfect the body proportions of the model. Furthermore, taking notice of parts such as the belly, backbone and the hooves will make the model look more realistic. Through this exercise, I've learned to use extruding more easily without needing to look much at the instructions as I have a rough idea of what is supposed to be done after lessons of Introduction to 3D and first few lessons of 3D Visualization and Animation. Below will the work progress that I've screenshot for this task.

This is the basic body of the cow model, with simple extrusions to create the body, arms and legs.

From the side view, I've made the different parts such as the belly to curve outwards and also bending the back of the cow to show there's a backbone line leading towards the bum which is pushed out slightly.

The necks and hooves are extruded out from the edges of the cow.

Modelling the hand: There should be enough details this model is going to be animated so that there are enough parts for the bending of the fingers to occur.

Adding of the wrist are made in this screen shot, also notice the fingers they are shaped to make it more realistic.

This is the final result of this task given. Smoothing and arrangement of the different parts of the cow are done.

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