This is the Actress given to us to be done to our model.
The original form of the model.
I started by moving the legs into position, and twisting the body a little to show the curves of the actress.
Then, I moved the arms and elbows into position, making it as similar as the actress.
The right arm is in this position to show as if the model is sitting on a chair. Additionally, I moved the body back a little, enhancing the curves of the model.
This is the end result of modeling the actress. I've moved the fingers to show a very feminine image of the model. Also, I raised the nose bridge of the model to show its sharp and clear features, similar to the actress. Furthermore, I've made the eyes a little smaller and flat to show a very sharp killer eye look, with its raised eyebrows, and raised cheeks to show its beautiful smile.
From this exercise, I've learnt that making human postures are not just about moving the arms and legs into the right positions. The backbone is always something that is so important to making the model from just a 3D model, to a very realistic one that is organic. Similar to the last exercise, the facial features are always important to display the mood of the character, giving it life to itself by just looking at it. I began having much more fun in animation now compared to the previous me, and I understood the importance of blogging all our work progress.
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